Sunday, April 19, 2009

Photobucket in the backyard

Having trouble in the backyard loading Photobucket link onto Blogger. The website boasts "its one click" away, well its not. Had no trouble linking my slides from Photobucket to Facebook.
There is this hint from the site:
"Having trouble? Try using this code to post on another website:"
Not sure what to do with it. Here goes...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Molly who loves cuddling & snoozing in tight spaces, a real communicator and a most reluctant participant in outdoor life. She loves to walk over the keyboard when I am typing & is currently sitting below the screen trying to shield her eyes from the light.

Rain rain again

We've had non-stop rain today, so there was little outdoor time. The weeds does the newly acquired mulch.
The remains of a recently decapitated snake turned up while mowing yesterday. Who was the culprit? Would the cat munch off the head and leave the rest? Would she have needed to share her spoils & receive the necessary acclamation? Or was it Sally the wonder dog who did revive some interest in shaking the twisted torso?
Could have been the watchful butcher birds who peered into the newly mown grass for lizards and worms.