Thursday, September 24, 2009

MyPlick - I have just looked at this site & discovered some wonderful slideshows of my favourite artists like Jan Vermeer. I always check out the Dutch masters whenever I visit large galleries. I always discover something new.

I also like to check out artists I have not seen before, as in the James Ensor Retrospective that was showing at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. MyPlick has lots of artists in its slideshow repertoire.

File conversion - I couldn't immediately think of an application, but then discovered that you could convert a pdf document on the web to a doc format & have it emailed to you. That could be useful. Also there is a video conversion component that enables videos from YouTube to convert to AVI format resulting in clearer higher quality video to watch.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

L2TD part 2

Here we start again with our blog. The backyard is considerably drier & less tidy, littered with remnants of mutilated dog toys. We have had 2 dogs boarding with us for some months & they have enjoyed the backyard space. Photos will follow.

I have read the Sharing documents component in Lesson One & was trying Google docs when it folded on me, but I was able to retrieve the page & save the later version of my literacy brochure. It is being revamped by marketing, so hopefully it will look splendid.

SlideShare has an intersting presentation entilted Beer for Water - what I want for my birthday. The slides moved a little slow while the presentation on Google Apps moved too quickly on some of the busier slides. (And I am a reasonably fast reader)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Photobucket in the backyard

Having trouble in the backyard loading Photobucket link onto Blogger. The website boasts "its one click" away, well its not. Had no trouble linking my slides from Photobucket to Facebook.
There is this hint from the site:
"Having trouble? Try using this code to post on another website:"
Not sure what to do with it. Here goes...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Molly who loves cuddling & snoozing in tight spaces, a real communicator and a most reluctant participant in outdoor life. She loves to walk over the keyboard when I am typing & is currently sitting below the screen trying to shield her eyes from the light.

Rain rain again

We've had non-stop rain today, so there was little outdoor time. The weeds does the newly acquired mulch.
The remains of a recently decapitated snake turned up while mowing yesterday. Who was the culprit? Would the cat munch off the head and leave the rest? Would she have needed to share her spoils & receive the necessary acclamation? Or was it Sally the wonder dog who did revive some interest in shaking the twisted torso?
Could have been the watchful butcher birds who peered into the newly mown grass for lizards and worms.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More from the backyard

Its getting cooler in the afternoons and mornings and I noticed today the leaves on the Liquid Amber starting to yellow.
Adding photos is fun, the next is a video that I am trying to edit first.

I am not a diligent blogger as I have never been a diarist. I give you instead Sally the wonder dog who also enjoys the backyard, even in the rain.

On this day we had to go outside & clear a fallen branch & generally assess the damage caused by a storm. Sally was very excited to be having an adventure.
She ran into the garden brushing against the damp leaves & grass. There was nothing for her to uncover apart from scurrying geckos & skinks. She sniffed after their trail but thankfully was unsuccessful at catching anything.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Blogging begins in the Backyard

Where better to contemplate Library 2.0 than in one's own backyard?

The grass has been mown & the trees smell sweet. There is plenty of material here to capture in a diary methinks.

There are few flowers but plenty of green & lots of birds visit every day. At night the flying foxes, possums & moths and last night the gentle hoot of an owl.

love is a place

love is a place

& through this place of

love move

(with brightness of peace)

all places

yes is a world

& in this world of

yes live

(skilfully curled)

all worlds

ee cummings